Somaliland HoR Mission:
As elected representatives of the people of Somaliland, the mission of the House Representatives is to represent all of the people of Somaliland, to exercise thelegisltipowers embodiedin the Constitution and to provide oversight of the Executive, all inmanner so as to inspire public trust and confidence in its representatives.
Somaliland HoR Vision:
A democratically elected House of Representatives which is recognized by the International Community and which reflects and effectively represents all of the people of Somaliland, reponsive to the needs of its people, and governs in accordance with the rule of law.
Somaliland HoR Values:
The following are the core values and beliefs of the HoR that indicate what it stands for, what drives its priorities, and what guides its daily interaction in the implementation of its Mission to achieve
its Vision.
- Honesty and Integrity
- Respect
- Transparency and Accountability
- Inclusiveness
- Equality
- Professionalism