The House of Representatives of 2005— current
The current House of Representatives is fourth House of Representatives until Somaliland declaration, where the first House of Representatives was central committee of SNM, second house was selected in Borama in 1993, third house was selected in Hargeisa reconciliation conference on 1997. The fourth House of Representatives is current House which also is first House of Representatives elected through directly elected by secret ballot in a free general election.
House of Representatives was elected on 29th September, 2005, after election race between 246 candidates from three political parties those are UDUB (Former ruling part), Kulmiye (Former opposition and currently ruling part) and UCID (Opposition part), where 82 winners MP are from those three parties two of them are females as follows:
- UDUB (Ruling party in that time) won seats 33 members
- Kulmiye (Current ruling party) won seats 28 members
- UCID (Opposition party) won seats 21 members
82 members
House of Representatives Seats
Somaliland Parliamentary Election 29 September 2005 the total number of parliamentary seats each party received from each region are:
No | Region | Ucid | Kulmiye | UDUB | Grand Total |
1 | Sahil | 4 | 2 | 4 | 10 |
2 | Awdal | 3 | 3 | 7 | 13 |
3 | Sanaag | 2 | 5 | 5 | 12 |
4 | Togdheer | 4 | 6 | 5 | 15 |
5 | Sool | 2 | 4 | 6 | 12 |
6 | Hargeisa | 6 | 8 | 6 | 20 |
21 | 28 | 33 | 82 |
The House Representatives is leads by chairing committee they elected among its members in the first session and consist of Speaker and two Deputies speakers. The House of Representatives consists of members who represent the public, and forms the first part of the country’s legislative, passing laws and approving and overseeing the general political situation and the direction of the country, have power to approve or reject all appointments of Ministers, Deputy Ministers or Heads of the organs of the state, have power to debate, comment on, refer back with reasons or approve the programme of the Government; have power to approve or amend government budgets and financial final accounts; House have power to ratify international agreements (treaties) such as political, economic and security agreements or those agreements which impose new financial burdens which have not been covered in the Budget, or which will involve the promulgation or amendment of legislation, have the power to summon the Government or its organs or agencies in order to question them about the fulfilment of their responsibilities.
In addition the House of Representatives have exclusive power for the financial matter such the imposition of taxes, duties and other schemes for raising revenue, the establishment of a Somaliland Income Fund or other Funds which are earmarked for specific issues, approval of printing of currency, and the issue of bonds, other certificates and securities and adoption exclusively the financial related laws.
The House shall hold every year three ordinary sessions which shall last twenty eight weeks in total. The sessions shall be separated by a period of no less than four weeks and no more than eight weeks. An extra-ordinary session of the House of Representatives may be held on request of the President of the Republic, convening by the Speaker of the House of Representatives or on request, in writing, of 1/3 (one third) of the members of the House.
The House of Representatives its own by-laws and the procedures of its working, sub- committees and determines legislation process, but the by-laws may not contradict the
Constitution, the by-laws specify all the procedures for appointing of sub-committees, its duration, and its other functions. The House also has a General Secretariat, presided over by a secretary general.
A member of the legislature represents the whole nation and guards the public interest. A member may not interfere with the work of the executive or the judicial branches. A member may not be subject to procedures of investigation, inspection or arrest, imprisonment, or punishment, except with the permission of the parliament except in the case his being caught in the act flagrance.
At least 11member of the House of Representatives or the government has the right to propose bills for laws, but financial laws that aim at increasing or abolishing an existing tax, or decrease or give exemption from part of it, or aim at allocating part of the state funds for a certain project may only be proposed by the government.
The House of Representatives has eight sub-committees those are:
- Standing and disciplinary sub-committee
- Economic, finance and commercial sub-committee
- Social affairs and religion sub-committee
- Environment, livestock, agriculture and natural resources sub-committee
- Internal affairs, security and defence sub-committee
- Foreign policy, International relation and national planning sub-committee
- Constitutional, judiciary, justice and Human rights sub-committee
- Care and protection of public properties sub-committee
Every sub-committee will contain at least seven members except standing sub-committee which contain 17 members. The house also may have ad-hoc committees which operate during their appointed tasks. The ad-hoc committees’ selection is mandate of the chairing Board.
Golahii wakiilada 1997
Golahii wakiilada 1997

Muddada uu xilka hayay Golahani wuxuu ahaa 1997-2005, taas oo ay sababeen dooroshada Golaha Wakiilada oo aad u adkaatay iyadoo la isku maandhaafsanaa saamiga kuraasta uu Gobol yeelanayo, waxayna arrintaasi carqalad ku abuurtay Ansixinta Xeerarka ku saabsan Doorashooyinka siiba Xeerka Doorashada Golaha Wakiiladda. Waxa dhab ahaan Golahani iska xilsaaray sidii u gudan lahaa waajibaadkiisa Dastuuriga ah waxana la odhan karaa Golahani wuxuu dhamaystiray hanaankii Dimuqraadiyadeed ee JSL. Golahani wuxuu ka koobnaa 82 xubnood.
Goluhu wuxuu fadhigiisii ugu horeeyay ku doorteen shir-gudoonkii hogaamin lahaa waxaana u tartamay oo ku guulaystay inay noqdaan shir-gudoonka Golaha wakiiladda:
- Axmed Maxamed Aadan (Qaybe)
- C/qaadir Ismaaciil Jirde Gudoomiye-ku-xigeenka 1aad.
- Cilmi Xirsi Cali Gudoomiye-ku-xigeenka 2aad.
Waxa kalfadhigaas uu ku ansixiyay xeerhoosaadkii uu ku shaqayn lahaa oo ka kooban 52 Qodob, isla markaana waxa uuu shirgudoonku soo dhisay guddiyadii fudaydin lahaa socodsiinta hawala.Golaha Wakiilada oo ka koobnaa lix Guddi hoosaad oo kala ahaa:
- Guddida Joogtada ah.
- Guddida arrimaha Bulshada.
- Guddida Dhaqalaha.
- Guddida arimaha Gudaha iyo Difaaca.
- Guddida Siyaasada arimaha Dibada iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga ah.
- Gudidda Garsoorka, Dastuurka iyo Shuruucda.
Waxa uu qabtay Golahani waxqabadkiisii oo ugu mihiimsanaa ansixinta masuuliyiinta Qaranka iyo ansixinta mashuucyo sharci. Mudadii golahaasi jiray wuxuu ansixiyay 32 mashruuc sharci ah oo dhaqan gal noqday oo isugu jira mashruuc sharci xukuumadu keentay iyo mashruuc sharci uu Goluhu curiyay.
Golahii Wakiilada 1993
Golahii wakiilada 1993

Sida ku qoran qodobka 9aad ee Axdi-Qarmeedka in qaabdhismeedka Dawladda mudda kala guurka ka koobnaan doonto saddex Gole oo kala ah: Golaha Guurtida Golaha Wakiilada iyo Golaha Xukuumada.
Waxa kale oo Axdi –Qarameedka qodobkiisa 11aad si faahfaahsan loogu sii qeexay qaabdhismeedka xilka, awoodaha, tirada xubnaha iyo shuruudaha xubinimada looga baahan yahay Golahan. Haddaba, iyada oo loo cuskanayo tilmaamaha Axdi-qarameedku jeediyay ayaa markii ugu horeysay Jamhuuriyada Somaliland la dhisay Golahii Wakiiladda ee 3aad bishii may 1993-kii Golahaa oo ka koobnaa 75 xubnood, waxaana soo xulay madax-dhaqmeedyada Beelaha Somaliland. Iyada oo saami qaybsiga Golahaas lagu saleeyay saamigii beeluhu ku kala lahaan jireen Baarlamaanka 1960-kii oo ahaa (33) seddex iyo soddon xubnood, guud ahaan Dalka Somaliland oo dhan. Golahaasi wuxuu fadhigiisii ugu horeeyay ku doortay Gudoomiye, Gudoomeye Xigeenka 1aad, Gudoomiye Xigeenka 2aad, Xoghaye Guud oo magacyadoodu kala ahaayeen sidan:
- Axmed Cabdi Maxamed (Xaabsade)
- C/raxmaan Xuseen Cabdi (Beedaani) Gudoomiye-ku-xigeenka 1aad.
- Cilmi Xirsi Cali Gudoomiye-ku-xigeen.
Golaha wakiilada oo mudda xilkoodu dhamayd 2 sano waxa waajibadkooda ugu mihiimsan ka mid ahaa
- Dajinta dhamaan shuruucda uu dalku u baahan yahay iyo samaynta dastuur dalku yeesho.
- Qabashada doorashooyin loogu tartamo xilalka qaranka.
Nasiib daro ma jirin in si buuxda loo hor mariyo hawlahaas mihiimka ahaa ee laga sugayay guud ahaan dawlada gaar ahaana Golaha Wakiiladda. Waxa jirtay duruufo adag oo ay ka mid ahaayeen: xarun lagu shaqeeyo oo aan jirin, aqoon, kibrad iyo adeegyo kale oo la dhaxlayna ma jirin. Inkasta oo duruufahaasi jireen haddana waxa xubnihii goluhu tamartooda isugu geeyeen iny sees u dhigeen dhismaha Golaha Wakiiladda, waxayna sameeyeen xeer hoosaad ay isku maamulaanoo ay soo diyaariyeen Guddi 15 xildhibaan ka kooban oo Goluhu u igmaday.
Wuxuu Golahaasi dhistay Lix Guddi hoosaad oo loo xilsaaray hawlaha kala duwan ee golaha waxayna kala ahaayeen.
- Guddida Joogtada ah.
- Guddida arrimaha Bulshada.
- Guddida Dhaqalaha.
- Guddida Siyaasada arimaha Dibada iyo iskaashiga Caalamiga ah.
- Gudidda Shuruucda.
- Guddida N/gelyada iyo arimaha Gudaha.
Golaha Wakiilada 1991

Golaha wakiilada sanadkii 1991 oo ahaa golihii ugu horeeyay oo si ku meel gaadh ah loo sameeyay kadib, markii dawlad ku meel gaadh ah oo laga dhex doortay ururkii SNM la sameeyay la isku waafaqay shirar kala dambeeyay oo sanadkaa 1991 lagu kala qabtay magaalooyinka Barbara iyo Burco.
Golahaasi wuxuu ka koobnaa Golohii dhexe ee ururka SNM oo lagu daray toboneeyo xubnood oo ka soo –jeedda beelaha aan Isaaqa ahayn. Golahaa sharci-dejintu ee Dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah oo ay xaruntiisu ahayd Hargaysa waxay ku shiri jireen Maxkamadda Goodirka xarunteeda . fadhigii ugu horeeyay ee Golahaas waxay ku doorteen Gudoomiye iyo Xoghaye Guud waxayna magacyadoodu kala yihiin sidan:
- Ibrahin Maygaag Samatar.
- Rashiid C/lahi Guuleed.
Inkastoo shaqada goluhu isku mid yihiin oo sharci dejin, masuuliyiinta oo la ansixiyo iyo miisaaniyada oo la ansixiyo ay shaqadoodu u badan tahay golahaasi oo ahaa Golihii ugu horeeyay shaqa badan muuqaban wakhtiga lagu jiray awgeed.